Sudan: Authorities demand reinstatement before accepting AU mediation

Sudanese military leader Abdel Fattah al-Burhan said Sudan would only consider the African Union’s proposal to end the conflict if the country regained full membership of the African Union. I showed my thoughts.

AU suspends Sudan following military occupation on 25 October 2021.

General Burhan on Sunday met with members of the recently established AU High-Level Panel led by Mohammed Ibn Chambas to resolve the Sudanese conflict.

The three-member body was established by the AU Commission in January to promote dialogue, restore constitutional order and work towards lasting peace with Sudan’s stakeholders and the international community. was established by the association.

In a statement posted on the Facebook page of the ruling Sudanese Sovereign Council, General Burhan expressed that the organization treated it as such.

The statement added that Mr Ibn Chambas reiterated the AU’s commitment to helping end the conflict and restore stability to Sudan.