Central African Republic: President fires top for ‘impediment’

The president of the Central African Republic has sacked the head of the constitutional court, Danielle Darlan, for “permanent impediment”.

Faustin Archange Touadera decree came after the 70-year-old judge last month threw out a bid by the ruling party to amend the constitution so that he could run for a third term.

The opposition party, Kwa Na Kwa, said it was appalled by the decree, and it would continue to recognise her as the head of the court.

She was appointed to the post in 2017, and her term was due to end in 2024.

The presidential decree said she would also lose her post at the university in the capital Bangui, where she was teaching.

It did not explain the “permanent impediment”.

Mr Touadera, 65, won elections in 2016 and 2020.

Many protests have been held against the court’s decision.