Israel: Netanyahu falls short of majority amid vote count

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu could struggle to secure enough seats in parliament to stay in power, incomplete results from Tuesday’s election show.

With almost 90% of votes counted, his right-wing bloc is on course to win 59 seats – two short of the threshold.

In a surprise development, an Arab party which is projected to get five seats could hold the balance of power.

Israel election: Can Benjamin Netanyahu prevail again? | Benjamin Netanyahu  News | Al Jazeera

The final outcome will among other things determine the course of Israel’s relations with the Palestinians.

The Arab party, Raam, has not declared whether it will support the efforts of Mr Netanyahu – an unnatural ally – to form a governing coalition or those of the bloc of parties opposed to him remaining in office.

The Netanyahu opponents are projected to win 56 seats, according to the latest tally, and although backing from Raam could give them a majority, they are fragmented and unlikely to be able to agree to work together.

If neither bloc succeeds, the country could face its fifth election since 2019.

What do the partial results show?

Israel’s electoral system, a form of proportional representation, makes it almost impossible for a single party to win an election outright.

According to the Central Election Commission, the prime minister’s right-wing Likud party has won 24.2% of the vote so far and the centrist Yesh Atid party of the main opposition leader, Yair Lapid, is second with 13.9%.

Israeli media reported that the tallies would result in Likud getting 30 seats in the 120-seat Knesset and Yesh Atid 17.

Mr Netanyahu’s political allies, the ultra-Orthodox Jewish parties Shas and United Torah Judaism, were projected to get nine and seven seats respectively; the centrist Blue and White party of Defence Minister Benny Gantz eight; and the centre-left Labour party and the nationalist Yamina and Yisrael Beitenu parties seven each.

The Joint List alliance of Arab parties, the New Hope party of Mr Netanyahu’s former-ally-turned-opponent Gideon Saar and the far-right Religious Zionism alliance are forecast to win six each; and the left-wing Meretz party and Raam five apiece.

Yesh Atid party leader Yair Lapid delivers a speech in Tel Aviv following the exit polls in Israel's general election
Yair Lapid leader Yesh Atid said his party and his supporters had a “good reason to be proud”

After the initial projections by Israel’s main broadcasters on Tuesday night, Benjamin Netanyahu took to the stage smiling at Likud’s headquarters. He declared the vote “a great achievement” and spoke of the need for a “stable government” for Israel.

His opponent Mr Lapid said he was “proud” of Yesh Atid’s “enormous” achievement and that he would “do everything possible to establish a sane government”.