Thailand: British crash victim flown home thanks to appeal

A man who suffered life-changing injuries while working in Thailand has returned home after an appeal raised nearly £20k for a medical repatriation flight.

Andy Davis, 33, from Stone, Staffordshire, had his left leg amputated and was hospitalised with a shattered pelvis and torn bladder, following a car crash on an island off Krabi last month.

His friend Mike Pugh, set up a Go Fund Me page to raise money towards bringing Mr Davis back to the UK.

He is now being cared for at the Royal Stoke University Hospital and is “very happy to be home”, however he continues to fight an infection and is waiting for further surgery on his pelvis and bladder.

Nearly 500 people donated to the fundraiser which ultimately led to Mr Davis being able to fly home earlier than expected.

Mr Pugh said the donations contributed towards the £28,000 medical repatriation costs, with Mr Davis’ family paying the remaining amount.

He said his friend’s prompt return to the UK “essentially has saved his life as he could have started to deteriorate if he was still out in Thailand”.

Mr Davis started teaching English as a foreign language in 2016, travelling to Thailand, Peru, Mexico and Ecuador.

Most recently, he had been working to set up teaching positions for other Brits to travel and teach English as a foreign language.

Mr Pugh, who visited his friend at Royal Stoke on Saturday, said the 33-year-old was “significantly better” and feeling “much more positive”, since returning home.

Mr Davis is still fighting an infection which is delaying further treatment, but he has been able to start physiotherapy.

Mr Pugh said: “He was over the moon, because he had been able to sit up in bed and turn to put his other foot on the ground.”

Mr Pugh added that it was likely his friend would remain in hospital over Christmas while he awaited further surgery.